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RTMP Streaming for Youtube Live

What is an RTMP URL?

Definition and Basics

Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a protocol primarily used for streaming audio, video, and data over the Internet. Initially developed by Macromedia, which was later acquired by Adobe, RTMP is commonly used in live streaming scenarios because it facilitates low-latency communication, essential for real-time broadcasting.


The primary difference between RTMP and RTMPS (where the 'S' stands for Secure) lies in the security aspect. RTMPS is an extension of RTMP with added encryption, using a TLS/SSL layer. This encryption ensures that the data transferred during the live stream, such as audio and video content, is secure from potential interception or tampering.

RTMP URLs in Live Streaming

In live streaming, an RTMP URL serves as the destination address where the live stream is sent from the encoder. This URL is unique to each stream and consists of the server address and the stream key. The video encoder hardware uses this URL to establish a connection with the streaming server, allowing for the live transmission of content to the audience.

What is YouTube RTMP Server?

YouTube's Streaming Infrastructure

YouTube provides a robust infrastructure for live streaming, enabling content creators to broadcast live content to a global audience. This infrastructure is built to handle large volumes of data and concurrent viewers, ensuring a smooth streaming experience.

Role of RTMP Server in YouTube Live

YouTube utilizes RTMP servers as a core component of its live streaming platform. These servers act as a relay point between the content creator's encoder and the YouTube Live platform. When a stream is initiated, the encoder sends the live content to the YouTube RTMP server, which then processes and distributes it to viewers.

Benefits for Content Creators

Using YouTube's RTMP server comes with several benefits for content creators:

  • Reliability: YouTube's servers are optimized for handling high-bandwidth live streams, reducing the risk of interruption.

  • Quality: They support high-quality video and audio streams, ensuring that the content is delivered crisply to the audience.

  • Accessibility: Streams are easily accessible to a global audience, enhancing the reach of the content creator.

How do I Find my YouTube RTMP URL?

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Sign in to your YouTube account and navigate to YouTube Studio.

  • In the left-hand menu, click on "Create" and then "Go Live."

  • In the Live Control Room, set up your stream details. After this, you'll be provided with a unique RTMP URL and stream key for your broadcast.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Incorrect Stream Key: Ensure that the stream key is entered correctly in your encoder. A single mistake can prevent the stream from going live.

Connectivity Issues: Verify your internet connection, as a stable connection is crucial for fetching the RTMP URL.

Best Practices

Security: Keep your stream key confidential, as anyone with access to it can stream to your channel.

Regular Updates: Stream keys can change, so it’s advisable to check the RTMP URL and key before each live session.

How to Use RTMPS to Encrypt Streaming Media to YouTube Live?

Importance of Encryption

Encryption is critical in live streaming to protect the content from unauthorized access and ensure privacy and integrity. It's particularly important when handling sensitive or proprietary content.

Configuring RTMPS in Encoders

For Orivision Encoder's products (HDMI Video Encoder, SDI Encoder, VGA Encoder, Multi Channel Encoder, Rackmount Video Encoder), configuring RTMPS typically involves:

Accessing the encoder’s settings.

Selecting RTMPS as the protocol and entering YouTube’s RTMPS URL along with the stream key.

Adjusting the encoder settings to match the stream requirements (resolution, bitrate, etc.).

Advantages of Using RTMPS with Orivision Encoders

Enhanced Security: RTMPS ensures that the content is encrypted and secure.

Compatibility: Orivision Encoders are designed to support RTMPS, making them ideal for secure live streaming on platforms like YouTube.

How to Schedule a Stream on YouTube Live?

Scheduling Basics

Scheduling a stream on YouTube Live allows content creators to set up live broadcasts in advance, giving their audience time to be notified and prepare to watch.

Detailed Walkthrough

In YouTube Studio, navigate to the "Create" then "Go Live" section.

Select the “Schedule Stream” option.

Fill in the details like title, description, time, and privacy settings.

After scheduling, share the scheduled stream's link with your audience.

Integrating with Encoders

To integrate Orivision encoders with scheduled YouTube streams:

Obtain the RTMP URL and stream key from the scheduled stream’s settings.

Input these into the encoder’s streaming settings.

How to Livestream a Meeting to YouTube Live?

Use Case Scenario

Live-streaming meetings and webinars on platforms like YouTube Live has become increasingly popular for reaching wider audiences and providing interactive experiences.

Setting Up for a Meeting Stream

Camera and Microphone Setup: Ensure that the camera and microphone are properly positioned and tested.

Encoder Configuration: Use an Orivision encoder to convert the camera and microphone input into a streamable format. Enter the YouTube RTMP/RTMPS URL and stream key into the encoder.

Best Practices

Bandwidth Considerations: Ensure a stable and sufficient internet connection for uninterrupted streaming.

Audience Interaction: Engage with viewers through live chat or Q&A sessions.

Content Moderation: Have a plan in place for moderating the content and interactions during the live stream to maintain a professional and respectful environment.

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